Business Cards ARE NOT DEAD! Don’t overlook an appealing Business Card.

Business Cards ARE NOT DEAD! Don’t overlook an appealing Business Card.

Business cards are actually still powerful marketing tools, but only if they’re designed to make a strong positive impression. In the age of technology these handy little pieces of card stock are still the most used way of communicating to your customers and clients. They are very easy to use, lightweight and fit easily in your pocket. What better method to brand yourself or your company.

A beautifully-​designed card not only shares your contact information, it also provides your brand’s first impression and reinforces your professional outreach efforts. A sharp business card design will attract new clients and distinguish you from a crowd of competitors.

Make it Visual!
Don’t just throw your logo on a white card and expect it to be taken seriously, it’s been done that way forever. It gets boring! Use colorful and visually appealing graphics that will spark interest, curiosity and even conversation. Sure, it may cost you a few bucks more but isn’t your brand worth the extra attention?

What to Include.
To make your card stand out come up with a unique design but be sure to provide all the necessary information. The following are suggestions for information to include on your cards.

  • Company Name
  • Street Address
  • Website
  • Phone Number
  • E-Mail Address
  • Tag Line or Company Slogan

In addition to these basic informational pieces here are some other important pieces of information you should consider using to make your card more Technology Friendly!

  • Facebook Page Name
  • Twitter username or #hashtag
  • QR Code – Clients can scan this code and go directly to your website with their smartphone.

Now, when deciding which information to provide, please do not add everything. Notice I did not even list a Fax number as an option. I don’t ever receive faxes, sure we have a fax machine, but if I never use it why would I waste card space. Instead use only what you actually use to engage your clients.

Don’t Go Cheap
Your business card is your brand’s calling card, what does it say if you don’t put much into it. Are you going to do the same for your client? Or are you going to go the extra mile? Don’t use a cookie cutter template and expect to stand out from the crowd. If you’re having trouble coming up with a quality design, get some help. Ask a friend, employee or even a customer what they think.

Remember, your card represents your brand and should be used as a call to action. Keep it simple but make it interesting. The next time you’re in your local copy center choosing your next card, change things up a bit, you’re gonna end up loving the results.


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