Top 10 Super Bowl Commercials

Top 10 Super Bowl Commercials

As we draw nearer to the Super Bowl, I find it fitting to list my Top 10 Best Super Bowl Commercials Ever. As a football fan I generally enjoy every Super Bowl, but I watch football almost every Sunday so it’s basically just another game to me, unless my beloved Bears were heading to New Orleans, but that’s another story. Instead, I, like many of you look forward to the game changing advertisements that will make their way into our homes this Sunday. Surely, there will be a few that leave their mark and we’ll be laughing at them throughout 2013.

Here’s my top 10 in no particular order:

The Denny’s Mafia Crew – Some wiseguys are discussing how to whack a guy when they are rudely interrupted.

Love hurts – A wife keeps crushing her husband’s spirit in this Pepsi Max commercial from 2011.

One of my personal favorites – 2010 Doritos Commercial, Just Enjoy!

The birth of the E*Trade baby, the baby explains that he can use E*Trade, you can use it too.

Have you ever sent an email or text to the wrong person, or ALL the wrong people?

Senior citizens fighting over a bag of chips, how can you not watch?

Betty White getting tackled in this Snickers commercial. 90 years old and still entertaining us.

At a party, a brown-shelled M&M is mistaken for being naked. As a result, the red M&M tears off its skin and dances to “Sexy and I Know It” by LMFAO.

Another Doritos commercial from 2009. The crystal ball says Free Doritos!

I can’t leave out the “Mean” Joe Greene Coke commercial from 1979. One of the first blockbuster Super Bowl Ads.