Simple, Funny, & Adorable Valentine’s Day Cards

Simple, Funny, & Adorable Valentine’s Day Cards

Valentine’s Day is officially less than a week away now. If you’re like most men, myself included, you probably haven’t picked out a Valentine’s Card yet. If you have then bravo to you, you are the minority.

A recent online poll from PR NewsWire says 70% of men are waiting to the last-minute to make Valentine’s Day plans. I don’t understand why we do this, and yet I am still one of the culprits. We know this is the most important day of the year for many wives, girlfriends and significant others. Part of it may be human nature, waiting to the last-minute. Part of it may be that to many it is very daunting to get the right gift or card for Valentine’s Day.

Depending on what stage of your relationship you are in, whether you’re married or not, or how serious of a relationship you’re in impacts the gift you will buy or plan. How much do you spend? Do you go big or small? Subtle or over the top? There are so many decisions to make, it can be very frustrating. They say you can’t go wrong with chocolates and flowers but I find that hard to believe. Surely, it cannot be that easy. Can it?

Here’s one thing that will never change. YOU HAVE TO GET A CARD! There’s no way around it. You could have planned a luxurious stay and the best hotel and spa in the world, had chocolates and flowers delivered by a knight on a white horse, bought the largest diamond that has ever been made. No matter what you do, none of that means anything without a card. A card means everything to a woman. A gift without the card just doesn’t make sense.

One of my favorite comedians Kevin James, you may remember him from The King of Queens, does a bit in his stand-up routine showing just how serious women take their greeting cards. Check it out below.

If you’re having a hard time finding the right card, cute and adorable is always a safe move. Here are some simple but one-of-a-kind greeting cards available at SBM.

Seriously Funny Cards