Giving Back Through the Sale of Copy Paper

Giving Back Through the Sale of Copy Paper

As a proud member of our local communities we at SBM feel it is important to give back to our surrounding communities. Recently, SBM issued checks to local United Ways. These funds were generated in direct proportion to the amount of copy paper sold in each county.

Pictured are, from left to right; Chad Nicklaus (President of the Lee County United Way) and Terry Loring (SBM Sales Manager).
From left to right; Chad Nicklaus (President of the Lee County United Way) and Terry Loring (SBM Sales Manager).
From left to right; Brett Wells (SBM Sales Representative), Lisa Bull (Office & Development Manager) and Tiffany Nieman (United Way Executive Director).
From left to right; Brett Wells (SBM Sales Representative), Lisa Bull (Office & Development Manager) and Tiffany Nieman (United Way Executive Director).
Pictured are, from left to right; Deann Schweitzer (United Way) and Jeff Cedro (SBM Sales Representative),
Pictured are, from left to right; Deann Schweitzer (United Way) and Jeff Cedro (SBM Sales Representative),